Nobel Academy is an international company working in the field of education, trade and production according to the highest world standards.
In the field of education, the Nobel Academy uses educational courses for children of the Nobel Committee and lectures by Nobel laureates.
All educational courses are conducted by artificial intelligence. And artificial intelligence also fully provides our services for business mediation and human security.
Nobel standards for business, products and services are made by independent artificial intelligence based on the highest global standards and United Nations criteria. Nobel Academy is a member of UN program "AI for Good"
Our headquarters is located in Belgrade, Serbia and regional centers operate in China, Kirgyzstan, Switzerland and Turkey.

Testing and certification of gifted and talented children
The main areas of work of Nobel Academy in education are:
- certification of talented and gifted children,
- creation of the International pool of talented and gifted children
- help them get an education in the best schools and universities in the world
- and then employment in the world's leading organizations that determine international development.
Certification is conducted through online testing in the children's native languages.
International Pool of Talented and Gifted Children
According to the results of testing, the International Commission of representatives of the Nobel Committee, Nobel Laureates, World Council For Gifted And Talented Children of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children and Mensa annually selects the most gifted and talented children and issues them International certificates.
Each of the talented and gifted children selected for the International Pool is assigned a mentor who will be in constant contact with him until he gets a job in the world's leading organizations.
All members of the pool receive referrals to study at the best international schools and universities in the world.
For testing and certification, contact Nobel Academy by e-mail office@nobelstandards.info

Summer schools for the talented and gifted
Nobel Academy invites all children and youth from 6 to 18 to participate in summer camps to improve their intelligence and improve their health. Parents are expected to participate.
- Summer camp in Sweden and Norway with educational courses at the Nobel Prize Committee in Stockholm and Oslo.
- English camp in Croatia for health, intelligence development and language support.
Contact to discuss participation and applications by e-mail office@nobelstandards.info

Courses of educational programs of the Nobel Committee online
and in the Committee for the Nobel Prizes in Sweden
Nobel Academy organizes educational courses of the Nobel Committee for children and students. Courses are taught online or in classrooms at the Education Center of the Nobel Prize Committee in Oslo, Sweden
Contact to discuss participation and applications by e-mail office@nobelstandards.info

An educational program for children who want to increase their intelligence
to the levels of gifted or talented
Nobel Academy offers parents of children from 6 to 16 years of age an individualized course to increase intelligence to the levels of gifted or talented.
The course was developed on the basis of the experience of Nobel laureates. The individual course is taught by professors from the world's leading universities, well-known experts in children's intelligence.
Contact to discuss participation and applications by e-mail office@nobelstandards.info
International Commission for the Attestation of Talented and Gifted Children
Nobel Academy is the organizer and provider of the International Commission for the Evaluation of Talented and Gifted Children.
The members of the Commission are representatives of the Nobel Committee, the Summit of Nobel Laureates, the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children, the Mensa International Network of People with the Highest IQ and other international organizations specializing in working with talented and gifted children.
To participate in open online meetings of the Commission and proposals for cooperation, write to office@nobelstandards.info

Grants for talented and gifted children
Nobel Academy helps children and their parents apply for international grants to study at the best schools and universities in the world. Grants are available to children certified by our International Commission for the Evaluation of Talented and Gifted Children.
Programs of the International Nobel Programs in Education, with which Nobel Academy works
Educational program of the Committee for the Nobel Prizes in Science and Literature for children https://www.nobelprize.org/educational/
Education Program of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee for Children https://www.nobelpeacecenter.org/en/education/minecraft
Nobel Prize Committee courses for teachers https://nobelprizemuseum.se/en/nobel-prize-teacher-summit/
Lectures by Nobel Prize Laureates https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/lists/video-lectures-and-acceptance-speeches-from-nobel-peace-prize-laureates/
Educational program of World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates http://www.nobelpeacesummit.com/youth-program/leading-by-example/
Alfred Nobel Open Business School Switzerland https://anobs.ch/en/
Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine https://duan.edu.ua/en/
World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC) is a worldwide nonprofit organization that provides advocacy and support for gifted children. The WCGTC® is a diverse organization networking the globe with an active membership of educators, scholars, researchers, parents, and others interested in the development and education of gifted and talented children of all ages https://world-gifted.org/
Mensa is the largest and oldest high-IQ society in the world https://www.mensa.org/
Intertel (previously the International Legion of Intelligence[1]) is a high-IQ society founded in 1966, that is open to those who have scored at or above the 99th percentile (top 1%) on one of various standardized tests of intelligence. [2] It has been identified as one of the notable high-IQ societies established since the late 1960s with admissions requirements that are stricter and more exclusive than Mensa https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intertel
International Society for Philosophical Inquiry (ISPE) is a high-IQ society open to people who score at or above the 99.9th percentile on a standardized psychometric test of intelligence https://www.thethousand.com/about.php
Mega Society to promote psychometric research. Open to those people whose general intelligence scores are so high that they only occur in one in a million people https://megasociety.org/
Nobel Explorers Nobel Coaching https://nobelexplorers.com/about-us/
List of international gifted and talented programmes: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_gifted_and_talented_programmes
Nobel International Education Institute - Talent Project https://www.nieitalent.com/
Nobel International Academy https://nobel.academy/en/nobel-academy-about-us/

How to participate in the Nobel Academy programs
We invite children from 6 to 18 years old to be tested and receive a Certificate of Giftedness or Talent, depending on the test results. Those who receive the Certificate will be included in the International Pool of Talented and Gifted Children, a mentor will be appointed who will be in constant contact with him until they get a job in the world's leading organizations.
All members of the pool receive referrals to study at the best international schools and universities in the world.
Children who do not show a high enough result when testing talent and giftedness will have the opportunity to undergo individual personalized training to increase the level of intelligence at any time online or in person during the holidays at Nobel Standards courses. Then re-pass testing and international certification.
For testing and certification, get rich at Nobel Academy by e-mail office@nobelstandards.info
Parents of children who wish to help their child obtain an International Certificate of Talent or Giftedness are invited for an online interview at office@nobelstandards.info
Organizations and companies wishing to become Nobel Academy partners and work in their region can contact us with proposals by e-mail office@nobelstandards.info
We ask for donor support for the development of innovative educational programs using artificial intelligence, as well as for the education of talented and gifted children and their participation in the development of the future of all mankind. Donor transfer account:

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